
life in the eyes of a weirdo

Windows (LOL) vs. Mac (trendy)

Before I delve into the battle between these two mechanical beasts, I want to inform you there will be no bias in this post, even though I am writing this on my Macbook. Also, if you own a Windows computer, do us all a favor and throw it out your nearest window.

Windows computers are like illegal immigrants, people only want them because they are cheaper and do tasks that no body wants to get paid to do. Apparently the computers aren’t trained for their positions either because they seem to be insecure about every decision at hand…

Are you sure you want to close this window?

Are you sure you want to install this computer-saving software?

Are you sure you want to look at this pornography?

When’s the last time I went to the search bar and typed “naked @$$ girls” and been like “Oh goodness me this isn’t the online application for Teach for America!”

And I know you’ve all seen this screen before. Why is that even a feature? I can imagine Bill Gates saying, “Yeah uhhh, when something happens that we can’t explain, let’s just make it go all blue. That definitely won’t be annoying for anyone.”

Also, I don’t think a windows computer has ever lasted in quality for longer than one year. It ALWAYS gets way slower than a brain-dead sloth and to fix it you either have to defrag your hard drive or re-install windows. Oh, and by the way both processes take 12 hours. Super short.

Finally to end my obviously unbiased opinion on Windows, has a printer on a Windows computer ever worked when you have needed it to? The answer is no. Let’s say you have your final thesis for graduate school done the night before it is due. You don’t have a printer so you have to use the Windows computer at the library the morning of the final class day. That printer will never work last minute. Never. Printers do not come out hard in the clutch. Always print the night before. Or, you will fail graduate school and head down a slippery slope of drug addiction and sex slaves.

There was a time Windows revolutionized the world. But it’s over. Now, the only reasons to own a Windows computer are if you can’t afford a Mac or if you’re into creating new software and skilled (nerdy) enough to tinker with the inner workings of your computer. Either way it isn’t your choice so I can’t blame you for it.

Mac’s are better for four reasons:

1) You can close a window whenever you F@#King want.

2) If you want to watch two girls eat poop from a cup, your Mac won’t stare back  in disappointment and ask if you are okay with your filthy decision.

3) They last infinite.

4) Printers work on them.

Get a Mac if you want to be trendy and fit in.

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